Saturday, September 13, 2008

Tummy Tumbler

So this may not be blog-worthy info, but earlier this week I felt the little one move for the first time! It was such an amazing experience--simultaneously terrifying and utterly exhilarating! Aaron is also convinced that I've "popped" in the last week or so, which I'm starting to believe (I think I'm going to have to go shopping this week!) myself.

Way more exciting news comes from good ol' Missourah, though. This last Tuesday (September 9, 2008) my little brother became a daddy! Their little guy--Gabriel Stephen McBride--is definitely going to be a heartbreaker come kindergarten. And on Friday (September 12) our other nephew--Brock Alexander--celebrated his first birthday! We are so blessed to have the two most darling nephews ever!

--(aunt!) rachel